
Laughing Your Way into Riches and Fame: The Jalango Way

Jalango, the radio presenter and comedian on Radio Maisha has in the past won himself several awards for his creativity and the laughs that he gives his listeners every morning. For all those who listen to Radio Maisha, it will be agreed that Jalango truly deserves all those accolades and even the latest award for being most creative and innovative person at Standard Media Group.

Jalango’s creativity has not only attracted a great deal of new listenership to Radio Maisha but also several corporations willing to pay up handsome amounts to advertise on the show that they co-host with Alex Mwakideu. Among the companies that have paid to advertise during the hilarious Lipa Deni and Hali Halisi shows are giant telecommunications company Safaricom, the leading retail chain Uchumi and Digital TV provider GOTV.

Isn’t it inspiring how Jalango uses his talent to not only make a great name for himself but also a chunk of money? Have you discovered your talent yet? Do not overlook those small things that generate a great passion within you. You may never have imagined that such kind of things can be your gateway to financial freedom but just give it a try and it may surprise just what following your passion can mean to you. 

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